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Get Involved With PRSA Greater Fort Lauderdale – Join a Committee

Committees are the backbone of our chapter. Through each committee, our members improve their skills and practice of public relations by developing new and exciting programs.

No experience? No problem! Committees are a great opportunity to try something new. Many of our committees offer virtual volunteer opportunities.

Even if you live far from downtown Fort Lauderdale or have a hectic work schedule, you can participate on your own schedule.


PRSA Greater Fort Lauderdale’s Programming Committee is responsible for planning and executing regularly scheduled meetings. They offer chapter members professional development and networking opportunities.

Each program convenes a panel of professional speakers, spanning the industry.

The committee gains chapter and board input and then designs a calendar of lunch topics. Board and/or committee members execute the monthly luncheons. Opportunities include convening and preparing the speakers and working with the Communications Committee to publicize the events.

The Communications Committee works to ensure the chapter and its programs are promoted to internal and external key publics. The Publicity Chair is responsible for promoting events and story ideas to the media and other external audiences.

The Social Media Chair manages the chapter’s social media presence, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. The Web Chair oversees the chapter’s website.

Members of the committee work closely with additional chapter committees to keep abreast of activities and make certain that information is shared with members via the appropriate communications outlet.

There are many volunteer opportunities within the communications committee, including photography, content development, and media relations.


The Membership Committee recruits, welcomes, engages, and retains PRSA FTL members. Through regular communication and networking events, the committee ensures that members are maximizing their investment and encourages them to meet and network with fellow colleagues to build relationships within the chapter’s diverse membership base.


The goal of the Accreditation Committee is to build awareness and acceptance for the value of earning the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) credential among members of PRSA.

The committee is charged with developing a concerted training program to help candidates navigate the accreditation process, complete the Readiness Review and prepare to take and successfully pass the comprehensive examination.

This committee also coordinates the Review Panel members for the Readiness Review for members seeking to take the APR exam. Contact: Victor Aimi, APR


The PRSSA Liaison connects PRSA FTL’s network of professionals to communications and marketing students interested in furthering their applied knowledge of the field.

Primarily supporting the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapters in the tri-county area, the liaison serves as a mentor and helps students reach their professional aspirations through tailored programming.


Due to the close proximity and overlapping nature of South Florida’s three counties/PRSA chapters, PRSA Greater Fort Lauderdale designates one liaison each from the chapter to represent the chapter at the Miami and Palm Beach chapter board meetings and other events, respectively.

Liaisons do not serve or vote on the other chapters’ boards. The purpose of the position is to maintain communication and camaraderie between the chapters.

In turn, the Greater Fort Lauderdale chapter welcomes a representative from each chapter, designated by each respective board, to serve as a non-voting participant in its board meetings and attend events at the member rate.


The annual PR Wizard Awards program recognizes outstanding public relations programs and components developed and produced in the Broward County area. Committee members solicit entries, oversee the judging process, assist in securing sponsors, plan and promote the award ceremony, and more.


The Ethics Committee is focused on inspiring the highest level of ethical behavior and performance among PRSA chapter members by providing education and training.

The committee chair serves as the chapter’s ethics officer and as a liaison with PRSA and the Board of Ethics and Professional Standards on ethics-related issues and programming.


The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing chapter finances on a quarterly basis, making investment recommendations to the Board of Directors and reviewing and making recommendations on other financial matters at the Board's request.

The chapter’s Treasurer and Scholarship Chair are ex-officio members of the committee and cannot serve as chair while holding either position.


(Foundation Liaison)

The Scholarship Committee is charged with developing an application and review process to submit recommendations to the chapter’s Board of Directors for members who deserve scholarships for professional development and educational opportunities to assist them in advancing personally and for the benefit of the public relations profession.

Scholarship amounts and applicants must be approved by the Board and recipients must submit proof of attendance and fulfill other requirements determined by the Committee and the Board to receive scholarship funds. The Chair of the Scholarship Committee is the official chapter liaison to the PRSA Foundation.


The Sponsorship Committee networks with Greater Fort Lauderdale area organizations to partner with PRSA Greater Fort Lauderdale through patron opportunities.

The committee is committed to identifying ongoing opportunities and aligning them with organizations seeking to raise their brand and visibility among public relations professionals. The committee develops tiered sponsorship approaches and ensures these promises are delivered upon.

For more information on becoming involved in PRSA Greater Fort Lauderdale, please contact us at